... и подумалось как-то, вот уж кому, как не Флинну подошел бы эпитет "непокобелимый". Ибо ну абсолютно! Какая ж кобелятина, простигосподи! и опять вспоминается любовь моей жизни, Бэзил Рэтбоун и отрывок из его книги, в свое время невозбранно спижженный у Jean-Paul
He was one of the most beautiful male animals I have ever met (...) I woulв say that he was fond of me, for the reasons I shall never know. It was always "dear old Buzzz," and he would flash that smile that was both defiant and cruel, but which for me always had a tinge of affection in it. We only crossed swords, never words, and he was generous and appreciative of my work. I liked him and he liked me.